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TPM/LPC Header/Cable pinouts

Pinouts are available here:

Note that some Asus boards have a smaller LPC only version of their TPM header which has the same number of pins, pin pitch and keying as their SPI header (2x5 2.0mm, pin#10 key). The SPI header is usually close to the on-board BIOS chip and the LPC header usually near the bottom edge below the last PCI-E slot. Additionally SPI TPM headers are not compatible with the debug card.

Do those pinouts apply for the new version P80DB2 LPC Debug Card, too?

Quote from ELi on 2020-12-01, 00:38

Do those pinouts apply for the new version P80DB2 LPC Debug Card, too?

On the motherboard side, yes. The pinout of the debug card itself is different.

Uploaded files:
  • p80db2_pinout.png

I will update the post.