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Does this device "ElmorLabs EVC2SE" able to see individual phases operated by any said controller it supports or just overall information ?

uP9512P-Q-R MP2888 IR3517 XDPE132G5D and such as all multi phase controllers that are used by GPUs.
I as a repair tech am looking for a way to interface with these controllers (specifically with the uP once) to monitor phases and/or see errors if such exist.

I do have a dongle for MPS and for INFINEON chips but not uP.
Being able to monitor individual phases would be a nice tool to have to use almost on a daily basis for GPU repairs.
If thats the case, i will be promoting this device on my youtube channel and repair community on discord.

Looking to hear back.

Is the ElmorLabs EVC2SE capable of providing detailed information on individual phases controlled by various controllers it supports, such as uP9512P-Q-R, MP2888, IR3517, XDPE132G5D, and others commonly used in GPUs? As a repair technician, I am interested in interfacing with these controllers, particularly the uP, to monitor phases and detect errors.


fnaf world

The ElmorLabs EVC2SE primarily provides overall data rather than individual phase monitoring for supported controllers. It may not offer detailed per-phase insights for uP controllers.
