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EVC2Last post
Firmware and softwareLatest EVC2 firmware and software including support4 Topics · 143 PostsLast post: Features · 5 days ago · jack1211
User projectsNeed help interfacing the EVC2 to something, or just want to show off?62 Topics · 314 PostsLast post: EVC2 solder points for 4090 Gaming … · 2 months ago · kryptonfly
MiscellaneousAny discussions related to EVC2 not covered by the other categories15 Topics · 135 PostsLast post: Keep getting an error in the SW · 1 year ago · Jonathan Kurz
Other productsLast post
KTH K-type ThermometerInformation and support for KTH2 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: KTH Q & A · 4 years ago · elmor
AMPLE Power BoardInformation and support for AMPLE1P2 Topics · 3 PostsLast post: Ample-X1 adjustment · 2 years ago · elmor
LPC Debug CardInformation and support for P80DB1L/P80DB24 Topics · 44 PostsLast post: List of compatible motherboards · 1 month ago · BitingChaos
ROG_EXT I2C ModuleInformation and support for REOM1A2 Topics · 3 PostsLast post: I2C pins for ASUS NODE connector? · 2 years ago · Paul Lenoce
DERULERPCB Ruler Electronics Project2 Topics · 4 PostsLast post: DerCoaster Assembly · 1 year ago · elmor
Volcano LN2 ContainerInformation and support for VOLCANO1 Topic · 2 PostsLast post: Volcano LN2 Container notes · 2 years ago · Sasquatch
General DiscussionLast post
Project logsIn here you can get information on any upcoming projects or share your own suggestions2 Topics · 13 PostsLast post: Flashing a 3080 with 3090 bios for … · 2 months ago · catherinejames
Frontpage discussionsComment on front page items31 Topics · 34 PostsLast post: EFC-X9 save changed profile · 1 year ago · r0zn
HardwareDiscuss any hardware not made by ElmorLabs4 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: External Clock Gen featured on GN … · 12 months ago · Pubert Peepis
Site and shop supportGot a problem with the site or an order?16 Topics · 61 PostsLast post: Wiring question · 5 days ago · hexon15
MiscellaneousEverything else4 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: up6206/asp0905 · 1 year ago · Jesse Towner