Increased shipping time and cost

Due to the effect of COVID-19 on the shipping business, shipments are taking longer to reach their destination and the cost is increased. Current orders using registered airmail take an additional week to get delivered (total time 2-4 weeks). DHL orders seem to take up to 10 days instead of the usual 3-5 days. Registered…

Problems with emails to

Currently emails being sent from the website to email addresses using are not reaching their destination, including order confirmations and shipping notices. If you have questions about your order, you can use the on-site support or join our Discord.

Customer Survey

In order to improve current and future products, it would be great to know what your experience has been like with ElmorLabs and its products so far. It’s relatively short and shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to complete. Much obliged!

Chinese New Year 2020

Update 2020-03-02: Orders are now processed as usualĀ  Update: Due to the COVID-19 outbreak order shipments are stalled indefinitely. Due to Chinese New Year holidays from Jan 23rd to 31st, no orders will be shipped out during those dates. Surrounding days will also experience delays. Please take this into considering before placing your order.

Product Mailing List

Many have contacted me asking when planned products will be available. Progress has been slow but fear not, things are moving forward! In order to improve communication I’ve created a product mailing list through Mailchip (below). Don’t delay, subscribe today!